Doing the time warp again
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
About a week ago, the following thought actually entered my head: Isn't Memorial Day coming up soon? I didn't have my holidays confused - I truly believed that it was the middle of May. Once I realized my mistake, it took me a few more minutes before I could remember anything at all about how I had actually spent Memorial Day. I got no further than "burgers were eaten" before giving up.
I'm finding this has been happening a lot lately - I sit down at my desk at 11:00 AM, and the next thing I know, it's 4:00 PM (and I'm really hungry). I stumble out of bed on Monday morning and soon enough, I'm annoyed with myself for waking up so early on a Saturday. I'm thinking about Memorial Day, and then I realize it's July 4.
I finish one blog entry, and suddenly another month has passed and I have to come up with something new to write to keep the streak going. Someday, I'll actually write some coherent - and perhaps even interesting - blog entries. But not today - I need to go buy a pie for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. How about those Jets this year, huh?
Labels: Randomness
posted by Vinessa @ 8:34 PM,
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